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Nationwide donation website is dedicated to people suffering from cystic fibrosis.


The founder of is
the Polish Society of battling cystic fibrosis Gdańsk subdivision.

The Gdańsk subdivision of Polish Society of battling cystic fibrosis Gdańsk has been taking care of those with cystic fibrosis for 25 years. We create projects, which help with problems linked to the treatment and rehabilitation of our patients as well as they are a form of social education, legal advice and psychological support. We talk about cystis fibrosis loudly – we are active in media, social platforms, during different events, public fundraisers, schools and universities. Why do not forget about the problems our charges face – those daily, life-affecting, relational that often are much more hard than the financial ones. If there is such a need we are very close, especially during the most difficult times and critical moments.

We support our charges in their everyday needs and actions. We monitor their subaccounts and we help with the search for financial resources needed to provide adequate treatment, rehabilitation and if necessary a transplant.